Building A Sovereign Bitcoin Life – Bitcoin Magazine

On August 25, Plan B Passport hosted the fifth Underground Citadel at Bitcoin Commons in Austin, Texas. If you didn’t get to attend the highest-signal event of the year, this article is for you. It had the highest attendee count and retention rate we have ever seen — the Bitcoin Commons/Austin Bitcoin community event space was full from start to finish, and even beyond the end of the event.

Underground Citadel is designed as the best place for Bitcoiners to connect with like-minded people where they can build their own tribes. Here’s a little background on how this event came to fruition:

Building The Underground Citadel

We’ve all been there: you get orange pilled and you learn about a fraudulent monetary system. Then, you start to question all of the other things that you were lied to about. You enter a stage where you go down all different kinds of rabbit holes while also wanting everything to burn to the ground. But, once you get past this anger stage, you find that life can still be beautiful and you focus on creating the life that you desire.

The Underground Citadel is the conference where we discuss the solutions that help us build the life we deserve outside of the faulty system that we are currently in. We invite attendees to come and find the signal that stems from Bitcoin and learn how they can create that beautiful life.

Finding The Beautiful Life

For this edition of Underground Citadel, we started with the foundation, the basics, physical security and the derivatives of that — situational awareness, mental tactics and threat recognition. How to heighten your ability to be aware of your surroundings and how to counteract any potential threats.

We went into depth on the ultimate sovereign individual toolset, including survival instinct, deterrence/preemptive strikes, deception, evacuation, extreme focus and awareness, reality-based training, and perhaps integrating some medical training. In any dangerous situation, you want to create the mental model of appearing “big and strong” in order to deter any potential threats and be in the habit of “breaking your routine.”

We then segued into hunting. Some might say we’ve even regressed as a society, since most people nowadays can’t provide food themselves other than going to a grocery store, farmers market, etc. We explored the ins and outs of why we should hunt, what kills you should learn and why paying attention is one of the most important skills you can attain. Funnily enough, presenter Jon Wayne Taylor actually went on to explain how hunting is inefficient in comparison to domestication, farming and trapping. This is the case until, of course, you’re left with no other options. He later went on to explain why one should learn tracking, trailing, marksmanship and butchery skills in order to further your hunting knowledge.

Afterwards, we went on to home birth. This topic seemed to be the most mind blowing for Bitcoiners. We’ve had this topic in mind since the first Underground Citadel event, but weren’t sure how the male-dominated audience would react. We really appreciate the way Bitcoiners welcomed this talk.

We discussed why we moved toward not trusting our bodies to do one of the main things it was built to do. Why have we allowed the medical system to take over and numb women during childbirth? As Bitcoinersm we preach “don’t trust, verify,” so people should be doing their own research as to why they will or will not have a baby in a hospital and educate themselves on what is best for their scenario, but not allow doctors to scare them into having this beautiful experience under fluorescent lights in a stress-inducing environment. In the healthcare system, you are the consumer and you are the one who should have the power.

We then, of course, had to dive into flag theory and jurisdictional arbitrage. At this Underground Citadel, we dove into how Bitcoin actually enables freedom of movement and as a group of people who value permissionless money, we should also value permissionless movement. As of now, we are born into a nonconsensual monopoly and in a fiat world, we are unable to keep governments accountable. The money printer and greedy “leaders” are what control the world. However, under a Bitcoin standard, the people become the customers and governments are forced to compete with each other through providing the best services for the best prices.

But, until then, this is exactly why we focus on “investment migration,” the term we use in the jurisdictional arbitrage industry to describe the immigration programs that involve investment or donation as a basis for acquiring a visa, residency or a passport. This is why we encourage people to implement jurisdictional arbitrage or flag theory into their lives. At Plan B Passport, we define “flag theory” as a concept of limiting your dependency on any one particular state by “stacking flags” in jurisdictions that are beneficial for you in various ways. We like to apply a markets and capitalism lense onto the way governments currently operate and show how Bitcoin brought the jurisdictional arbitrage game to another level, which actually solves the lack of a free market between nation states.

We then had our very own functional medicine expert, Dr. Oubre, go over how to take charge of your health by unlocking your “discomfort” genome. I’m sure a lot of us have done some pretty restrictive diets trying to get in the best health when we could’ve instead figured out what we were missing from some tests and figured out what our bodies needed. He went over the five pillars of health: biological, mycotoxins, environmental (manmade), heavy metals and emotional, and went on to explain why you should test for each pillar. Biohacking after healing is much easier than before healing. Once optimized, you can then focus on reverse aging by unlocking your “discomfort” genome.

Last but not least, we had the quick-start guide to 3D printing your sovereignty. Just like with hunting, for example tracking, killing, and processing an animal is not your first choice when it comes to putting food on the table as it’s pretty inefficient, the same goes for 3D printing, It is an unreliable source of weapons, there’s a steep learning curve, plus going out and purchasing your weapons is much more efficient. However, it’s not something you need until you do, and at that point, it’s too late. When you don’t have easy access to water, you get a water softener, water filter, water delivery, etc. But, you’d only be doing this when you don’t have access to water. What happens when you don’t have access to water and also don’t have a solution? The same applies to 3D printing. When guns are no longer on the table, you want to know how to print them.

You don’t need a passport when everything is fine and dandy but you also don’t need some cyberspace money and censorship-resistant way of exchanging value until fiat currencies go to zero and you lose all of your wealth. You don’t need a second means of a travel document until your original way of travel is no longer of use and at this point, again, it’s too late. As sovereign individuals who are considered “preppers,” everything shared at Underground Citadel was definitely a step outside of our comfort zones, just as any other form of growth is uncomfortable. So our message to you all in regards to everything we covered is: It’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it.

Luckily, for those of you who were unable to attend, we recorded the speakers and their presentations. You can visit this link to get access to the recordings.

This is a guest post by Katie The Russian And Jessica Hodlr. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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